Sunday, October 18, 2009

A little about what's going on here

Let's start with the assumption that we're all at least a little ruled by our senses--we're all likely to respond to some provoking stimuli. And let's agree that our most extreme provocations are personal and unique. Maybe yours is freshly cut grass at the ball field. A live performance of Aida. A pair of the bottom of a pair of magnificent stems.

Me? I'm sleeping with this photo under my pillow:

I eat cheese instead of dessert. I read books about it. I went to Paris on vacation and visited more fromageries than I did museums. I may very well end up not having children because I'm not sure I could go nine months without eating soft cheeses. Kids are cool and all, but nine months without Epoisses? Sorry, no thank you.

I make it a point to eat at least a little bit of cheese every day. Sometimes it's fancy, and sometimes it's whatever I have time to grab from the Safeway, but I'm a big believer that just about any cheese has at least some redeeming qualities.

Despite being a big cheese lover, I'm not as well educated as I should be about the trappings of serving cheese: What wine goes best? What accoutrement should I serve it with? Is eating something with a laughing cow on it always a bad idea? So, Fromage Savage is as much a food laboratory as it is a diary; I'll always explain where I bought the cheese and what I ate it with, and report back on which combos seem to work well together. I'll try stuff from all over the price spectrum, and who knows--maybe it'll turn out that a mini Babybel has more to recommend it than we think.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Honestly, just gimme a chunk of Jarlsberg with my beer. Simple man, simple pleasures.

  3. This post made me want cheese. I have a feeling it will not be the last time...
